大曲の花火の歴史 Omagari Hanabi History
余興花火から日本一の花火大会へ History
「大曲村年中行事絵巻物(諏訪神社蔵)」"Omagari Village Annual Ceremony Scroll – Suwa Shrine”
Said to date back as far as the Edo period, the history of Omagari Hanabi runs deep despite there being very little documentation between the feudal era and the early Meiji period.
Hanabi in Omagari makes its first literary appearance within the illustration of the folk festival Omagari Village Nemurinagashi depicted in Masumi Sugae’s topography Dewa Road Moon from the early 1800s. The illustration shows lanterns passing over Maruko Bridge to reinvigorate tired summer bodies while hanabi are fired along the riverbed in the distance.
Hanabi can also be seen as part of a ceremony depicted within the Omagari Village Annual Ceremony Scroll (centre image), a tangible cultural property of the early Meiji period which is stored at Suwa Shrine in Kamiomachi and designated by the city for its historical significance.
Hanabi have been very prominent in Akita since the feudal era, and it is thought that the central granary region of the Senboku Plains supported by the port along Maruko River which feeds into the Omono was a significant factor, driving the economy and in turn demand for ceremonies and festivals in Omagari’s thriving entertainment and downtown districts.
花火伝来伝説 Hanabi Legend
Although there are no records in Daisen that reference legends, nearby Rokugo (Misato Town) does have such documents.
Loyal to the Toyotomi Clan who lost the decisive Battle of Sekigahara (1600), the first daimyo of the Akita Domain, Yoshinobu Satake, was ordered to relocate to Akita from Hitachi Province (modern Ibaraki Prefecture). Due to persistent rains on the road to Akita which lead to the flooding of the Omono River, the company spent a prolonged period in Rokugo. Among them was a pyrotechnician who fell in love with a local girl and remained in the village in secret. It’s said that after sharing his craft with the village he then went on to produce hanabi as a living, leading the area to become known as the origin of hanabi.
祭典と花火 Ceremony & Hanabi
Omagari is no exception to the rule that shrine ceremonies and hanabi are tightly intertwined. In Omagari, known for its many hanabi fans since long ago, hanabi were fired at the Suwa Shrine ceremony. In the past people would make offerings of hanabi at the ceremony, and records state that they were then fired in front of contributing houses. In the present day, offerings of hanabi from the town are fired on the portable shrine procession route, functioning as a signal that the shrine has arrived.
全国花火競技大会のはじまり National Fireworks Competition Origins
The offerings and displays of hanabi that were an integral part of the Suwa Shrine ceremony eventually evolved into the first Ou Rokken Enka Kyoshinkai in 1910. This marked the beginning of the National Fireworks Competition.
Many famous hanabi artists gathered in Tohoku, making for a monumental event during a time when hanabi displays were still uncommon in other areas.
The Ou Rokken Enka Kyoshinkai was held together with the Mikawa Province (modern Aichi Prefecture) Hanabi Kyoshinkai. Participating hanabi artists were astonished by Mikawa’s advanced technique, and it is thought that competing to master these techniques became the foundation for Omagari Hanabi.
Going forward, the Ou Rokken Enka Kyoshinkai was held until the third meeting, until a name change to National Pyrotechnic Competition for the fourth in 1915 saw an expansion worthy of the name to the national level. Following a brief suspension during wartime, the end of the war in 1946 marked its recommencing as the present-day National Fireworks Competition. The competition was a source of courage and hope amidst a turbulent time following the defeat, and it being held the year right after the war shows just how much hanabi mean to the people of Omagari.
As suggested in the name National Fireworks Competition, Omagari Hanabi is a competitive contest between hanabi artists. Along with the Prime Minister’s Prize; the Economy, Trade and Industry Minister's Prize; Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister's Prize; and the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency Director-General's Prize are awarded. The Prime Minister’s Prize is only awarded at Omagari and Tsuchiura (Ibaraki).
Today at Omagari Hanabi, steeped in tradition and prestige, the best hanabi artists in the country bring their latest pieces to compete in front of an audience of around 100,000 spectators sprawled across the riverbank at one of Japan’s largest events.
参考:『大曲の花火小史』 ”Reference: A Short History of Omagari Hanabi”
「菅江真澄遊覧記 月の出羽路 仙北郡 9巻(大仙市立大曲図書館蔵写本)」 ”Masumi Sugae Topography, Dewa Road Moon, Senboku, Volume 9 (Omagari Library Collection Manuscript)”