海外と大曲の花火 International Omagari Hanabi
ベルリンの空には壁がない No Walls Over Berlin Skies
(参考「THE HANABI」佐藤勲著)
Isao Sato became the face of Creative Hanabi, crossing the seas and putting on displays in Bonn, West Germany in 1979; Dusseldorf, West Germany in 1983; and West Berlin and Dusseldorf, West Germany in 1987.
At a press conference held the day before the West Berlin display during the Cold War, he stated that “although Berlin is divided by a wall on the ground, there are no walls in the sky. Those in both the West and the East, please enjoy our Japanese fireworks.” The comments made the top story of the local newspaper, creating a resounding response and becoming widely known.
The 1990 International Fireworks Artists Omagari Forum and the 1992 International Fireworks Design Fair in Omagari were also both proposed by Sato. Artists from seven countries came together to hold discussions related to the production of new fireworks covering artistry, event fireworks and safety.
Reference: THE HANABI – Isao Sato
佐藤勲(さとう・いさお)氏 Isao Sato
Born in Omagari in 1910, Sato became involved with Omagari Hanabi in 1957, going on to act as chairman and advisor of the competition from 1962 to 1996. Not bound by the idea that hanabi should be round, the father of Creative Hanabi succeeded in his long-time goal of establishing the Economy, Trade and Industry Minister's Prize in 1963, further raising the status of Omagari Hanabi. He proactively put on international shows and widely promoted Omagari Hanabi both within Japan and around the world, and was awarded the Akita Prefecture Culture & Labour Prize in 1989.
![「広報おおまがり 535号」の写真](/uploads/contents/archive_0000000146_00/history06.jpg)
「世界の花火 日本の花火」 International Fireworks & Japanese Hanabi
The 16th International Symposium on Fireworks was held in Daisen from 25–29 April 2017. Fireworks professionals from all over the world gather for the trade show and presentations on research findings at this large-scale international event. It was Japan’s second hosting since the 8th held in Shiga in 2005. During the event, firework shows with international flare comprising roughly 33,000 shells over four days were hosted by artists from all over the world.